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Production and sale of corn cob granules and walnut shell granules

Produzione e vendita di granuli di tutolo di mais e granuli di gusci di noce Follador

Follador Srl has been involved in the processing of organic granules for 3 generations

Follador Srl is a company that successfully operates in the agro-industrial field by producing and selling both corn cob granules and walnut shell granules. The business was born in the early 1950s, carrying out milling activities in the North Eastern regions. Since then the milling of corn was combined with the milling of cob, wich derived flour was used in the composition of animal feed. In the 1970s it was realized that, by selecting the ground cob, very hard and resistant organic granules could be obtained, which could be used as abrasive granules to polish the surface of metals. Very soon they were used, by numerous industries, producing small metal parts, taps, galvanics and many others.

Today corn kernels are produced in various grain sizes, used differently depending on the type of processing and the shape of the piece to be treated. In addition to corn cob, we also produce other organic abrasives: for example walnut shell granules, which have the characteristic of polishing quickly, but have less absorbent power than cob. Subsequently, in the 1990s the same cob granules began to be used as organic litter for pets such as rodents, birds and reptiles.

The qualities that characterize and still favor this type of litter among consumers are the high liquid retention capacity, the absence of chemical additives and the neutral pH (pH 7.4) which allows the animals to come into contact with the litter box without any problems.

Our production and sale of corn cob is approximately 10,000 tons / year. We are always constantly looking for new applications to expand the already vast range of uses and fulfill the requests of our customers. Experience and reliability are our daily reality in work and in relationships with an ever-evolving market.

Production and sale of corn cob granules and walnut shell granules Follador